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TDD with VSA, Graphql, JPA(Outside-in)

GraphQL 관련 설정


implementation 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-graphql' implementation 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-webflux' implementation 'com.graphql-java:graphql-java-extended-scalars:21.0' testImplementation 'io.projectreactor:reactor-test' testImplementation 'org.springframework.graphql:spring-graphql-test'


@Bean public RuntimeWiringConfigurer runtimeWiringConfigurer() { return wiringBuilder -> wiringBuilder .scalar(ExtendedScalars.GraphQLBigDecimal) .scalar(ExtendedScalars.DateTime) .scalar(ExtendedScalars.Date); }


graphql: graphiql: enabled: true


type Query { pagedGoodsCollection(request: SearchDto = { sort: { by: createdAt, direction: desc } }) : GoodsCollectionSlice } type GoodsCollectionSlice { totalElements: Int content: [GoodsCollectionDto] } type GoodsCollectionDto { id: ID!, name: String!, createdBy: Int!, createdAt: String!, updatedBy: Int, updatedAt: String goodsCollectionItems: [GoodsCollectionItemDto] } type GoodsCollectionItemDto { goodsNo: Int!, goodsId: String!, barcode: String, } type Mutation { createGoodsCollection(request: CreateGoodsCollectionRequest) : ID! } input CreateGoodsCollectionRequest { name: String! ids: [String!]! } input SearchDto { keyword: String = "" type: String = "name" page: Int = 0 size: Int = 20 sort: Sort = { by: createdAt, direction: desc } } input Sort { by: SortBy = createdAt direction: SortDirection = desc } enum SortBy { createdAt, barcode, id, name } enum SortDirection { asc, desc } scalar BigDecimal scalar Date scalar DateTime


  • GoodsCollection, GoodsCollectionItem을 조회하는 기능을 구현

HttpGraphQlTester을 이용한 테스트

@AutoConfigureHttpGraphQlTester @SpringBootTest(webEnvironment = SpringBootTest.WebEnvironment.MOCK) public class GoodsCollectionAcceptanceTest { @Autowired private HttpGraphQlTester graphQlTester; @Test public void query_pagedGoodsCollection() throws Exception { String queryString = """ query { pagedGoodsCollection(request: { keyword: "name", type: "type", page: 0, size: 10 }) { content { id name goodsCollectionItems { goodsNo goodsId barcode } } } } """; List<GetGoodsCollection.GoodsCollectionDto> result = request(queryString, "pagedGoodsCollection.content") .entityList(GetGoodsCollection.GoodsCollectionDto.class) .get(); Approvals.verify(YamlPrinter.printWithExclusions(result, "createdBy" ,"createdAt" ,"updatedBy" ,"updatedAt")); } private GraphQlTester.Path request(String queryString, String requestName) { return this.graphQlTester .mutate() .header("x-tester-no", "1001") .build() .document(queryString) .execute() .path(requestName); } }
repositories { mavenCentral() maven { url '' } } dependencies { testImplementation 'com.approvaltests:approvaltests:23.0.1' testImplementation 'com.github.HMInternational:ktown4u-utils:v1.5.0' }
  • approved.txt

--- - id: 1 name: "name1" createdBy: 1 createdAt: "2024-04-05T07:16:55" goodsCollectionItems: - goodsNo: 112216 goodsId: "gd00112216" barcode: "9000000112216" - goodsNo: 112216 goodsId: "gd00112216" barcode: "9000000112216" - goodsNo: 112216 goodsId: "gd00112216" barcode: "9000000112216" - id: 2 name: "name2" createdBy: 1 createdAt: "2024-04-05T07:16:55" goodsCollectionItems: - goodsNo: 112215 goodsId: "gd00112215" barcode: "9000000112215" - goodsNo: 112215 goodsId: "gd00112215" barcode: "9000000112215" - goodsNo: 112215 goodsId: "gd00112215" barcode: "9000000112215" ...
  • 위와 같이 약간 UI를 보면서 확인 가능한 수준의 텍스트로 테스트 결과를 확인 가능함

더미 구현

  • 먼저 동작하는 코드를 빠르게 보기 위해 더미 데이터로 구현을 완성한다.

@Slf4j @RequiredArgsConstructor @Transactional(readOnly = true) @Controller @PrimaryAdapter public class GetGoodsCollection { @QueryMapping("pagedGoodsCollection") public Page<GoodsCollectionDto> pagedGoodsCollection(@Argument final SearchDto request) { List<GoodsCollectionDto> result = List.of( // 더미 데이터 생성 // ObjectMapper를 이용해서 json 파일을 읽는 방식이 좋다. ); long total = result.size(); return new PageImpl<>(result, PageRequest.of(, request.size()), total); } public record GoodsCollectionDto(Long id, String name, Long createdBy, String createdAt, Long updatedBy, String updatedAt) { } }


HttpGraphQlTester을 이용한 테스트

@Test public void create_goods_collection() throws Exception { String queryString = """ mutation { createGoodsCollection(request: { name: "상품군 이름" ids: ["GD00111839", "GD00111838", "GD00111836"] }) } """; Long result = request(queryString, "createGoodsCollection") .entity(Long.class) .get(); assertThat(result).isGreaterThan(0L); }

더미 구현

j @RequiredArgsConstructor @Transactional @Controller @PrimaryAdapter public class CreateGoodsCollection { @MutationMapping("createGoodsCollection") public Long createGoodsCollection(@Argument final CreateGoodsCollectionRequest request) {"request: {}", request); return 1l; } record CreateGoodsCollectionRequest(String name, List<String> ids) { } }
Last modified: 14 January 2025