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Test Modulith Using ApplicationModuleTest

How to Test Spring Application Events


  • Scenario API를 이용해서 테스트를 선언적으로 작성할 수 있도록 해줌

  • 다음과 같은 기능을 제공을 통해 테스트를 쉽게 개시하고, 결과를 확인할 수 있음

    • performing method calls

    • publishing application events

    • verifying state changes

    • capturing and verifying outgoing events

  • 또한 API는 다음과 같은 추가 기능을 제공함

    • polling and waiting for asynchronous application events

    • defining timeouts

    • perform filtering and mapping on the captured events

    • creating custom assertions

Test Code

@ApplicationModuleTest public class SpringModulithScenarioApiUnitTest { @Autowired OrderService orderService; @Autowired LoyalCustomersRepository loyalCustomers; @Test void whenPlacingOrder_thenPublishOrderCompletedEvent(Scenario scenario) { /** * andWaitforStateChange() * accepts a lambda expression and it retries executing it until it returns a non-null object or a non-empty Optional. * This mechanism can be particularly useful for asynchronous method calls. */ scenario.stimulate(() -> orderService.placeOrder("customer-1", "product-1", "product-2")) .andWaitForEventOfType(OrderCompletedEvent.class) .toArriveAndVerify(evt -> assertThat(evt) .hasFieldOrPropertyWithValue("customerId", "customer-1") .hasFieldOrProperty("orderId") .hasFieldOrProperty("timestamp")); } @Test void whenReceivingPublishOrderCompletedEvent_thenRewardCustomerWithLoyaltyPoints(Scenario scenario) { scenario.publish(new OrderCompletedEvent("order-1", "customer-1", .andWaitForStateChange(() -> loyalCustomers.find("customer-1")) .andVerify(it -> assertThat(it) .isPresent().get() .hasFieldOrPropertyWithValue("customerId", "customer-1") .hasFieldOrPropertyWithValue("points", 60)); } }

Model Code

class Order { private String id; private String customerId; private final List<String> productIds; private Instant timestamp; public String id() { return id; } public String customerId() { return customerId; } public Instant timestamp() { return timestamp; } public Order(String customerId, List<String> productIds) { this.customerId = customerId; this.productIds = productIds; } } @Service class OrderService { private final OrderRepository repository; private final ApplicationEventPublisher eventPublisher; public OrderService(OrderRepository orders, ApplicationEventPublisher eventsPublisher) { this.repository = orders; this.eventPublisher = eventsPublisher; } public void placeOrder(String customerId, String... productIds) { Order order = new Order(customerId, Arrays.asList(productIds)); // business logic to validate and place the order Order savedOrder =; OrderCompletedEvent event = new OrderCompletedEvent(, savedOrder.customerId(), savedOrder.timestamp()); eventPublisher.publishEvent(event); } } @Repository class OrderRepository { Order save(Order order) { return order; } } record OrderCompletedEvent(String orderId, String customerId, Instant timestamp) { } @Component class LoyalCustomersRepository { private List<LoyalCustomer> customers = new ArrayList<>(); public Optional<LoyalCustomer> find(String customerId) { return .filter(it -> it.customerId().equals(customerId)) .findFirst(); } public void awardPoints(String customerId, int points) { var customer = find(customerId).orElseGet(() -> save(new LoyalCustomer(customerId, 0))); customers.remove(customer); customers.add(customer.addPoints(points)); } public LoyalCustomer save(LoyalCustomer customer) { customers.add(customer); return customer; } public boolean isLoyalCustomer(String customerId) { return find(customerId).isPresent(); } public record LoyalCustomer(String customerId, int points) { LoyalCustomer addPoints(int points) { return new LoyalCustomer(customerId, this.points() + points); } } } @Slf4j @Service class LoyaltyPointsService { public static final int ORDER_COMPLETED_POINTS = 60; private final LoyalCustomersRepository loyalCustomers; public LoyaltyPointsService(LoyalCustomersRepository loyalCustomers) { this.loyalCustomers = loyalCustomers; } @EventListener public void onOrderCompleted(OrderCompletedEvent event) { log.error("LoyaltyPointsService::onOrderCompleted: {}", event); // business logic to award points to loyal customers loyalCustomers.awardPoints(event.customerId(), ORDER_COMPLETED_POINTS); } }
Last modified: 14 January 2025